15 Steps to Prepare Your Home for Winter

A picture of snow covered roofs in winter

Autumn is here; it's time to prepare your house for cold weather

With Autumn upon us, it's only a matter of weeks until the winter chill starts creeping in, and we all know what that means. Freezing winds, rainstorms, and even the chance for a blizzard to roll through your neighborhood. While preparing your house for winter can seem daunting, winterizing a home can be a relatively straightforward task if handled in advance. We put together a checklist of 15 tips to make sure you, your family, and your home are ready to brave the cold, windy months ahead!

1. Make your winter storm plan

Image of woman planning. Put together your winter plan now

The first step in battling back against a winter storm is to be prepared. Most of the items on this list fall back to a simple idea; make sure you have a plan. Consider the kind of home you have, the property you own, and your inventory of food and tools in preparation for the worst. We don't mean to scare you, but when a storm rolls into town, you'd likely have rather spent $25 on new flashlights to see when the power goes out instead of living in the dark for a few days!

2. Stock up on essentials

Image of woman in pantry. Stock up on essentials before winter hits

Before we go any further, it is crucial to prepare yourself with the essential items you'll need come winter. We get more into the nitty-gritty later in this article. Still, it's good to make sure you have some basic household tools on hand in case of an emergency repair.

Furthermore, few things are worse than the pre-storm rush at the grocery store. Consider stocking up on non-perishable food, water, and household toiletries early in the autumn season to avoid the hustle and bustle that comes with an incoming winter storm.

3. Do an exterior check of your house

Image of home exterior in autumn. Be sure to do an inspection of your home's outside before winter hits

An essential part of winterizing your home is to ensure that your first line of defense, your home's exterior, is ready to handle the weather that winter brings. Build a checklist (items in this article should help with that!) and take the time to make sure your house is ready. One thing to consider before the winter season is any exterior decor against your house or in your yard you may want to package up until Spring. Strong winds, freezing rain, and inches of snow pounding against your flags or garden decor can ruin some of your favorite items. Protect them!

A frequent oversight for homeowners is to take photos of the exterior of their homes before the storm season. In the event that severe weather damages your home, pictures of before and after can be an excellent way to empower an insurance claim.

4. Do a roof inspection

Image of roof in need of repair. Be sure to check your roof now before winer winds can do damage

When it comes to your house, the roof is the first, and likely most important, line of defense from strong weather. Roofs usually come with a 20-year warranty, but the reality is that harsh weather like winds and snow can cut into those 20 years. Regardless of the season, severe weather can put a beating on your roof. Make sure to consult a roofing specialist to come out and check your roof before the cold weather blows in.

5. Repair or replace damaged siding

Image of damaged siding. Look for cracks, holes, and damage in your siding when preparing for winter

Faulty siding that requires repair or replacement can not only be an eyesore, it can also be a costly mistake to handle once winter rolls around. On the exterior of your home, check for any breaks, discoloring, or issues with your siding.

Siding repair or replacement can keep your house safe for the winter and give your home a fresh look that increases its value and desirability. For a more in-depth look at when to repair versus replace your siding read our article, "Can the Siding on My Seattle Home Be Repaired?"

6. Turn off exterior pipes

Image of garden hose. Turn off exterior spigots before freezing weather sets in

Everyone has heard the story of the one family member or friend whose pipes burst on the first freezing day of winter. Not to mention the disaster of clean-up and plumber bills that followed. Don't anticipate failure; prepare to avoid it. Having your pipes cleaned, as well as turning off all external-facing faucets and spouts, is the best remedy to battle against a costly burst. Add it to your winterizing checklist.

7. Tree trimming or removal

An often overlooked factor is the elements outside your control that could damage your home or property. As a part of your exterior home check-up, survey the trees on or surrounding your home. Dead branches, unkempt growth, and piles of leaves could lead to disaster in a severe storm.

Consider consulting a tree removal company as a part of your plan to prepare your home for winter. You might be glad you did!

8. Snow Removal

Image of couple shoveling snow with their dog. Consider hiring a snow removal professional

Snowfall and winter go hand-in-hand. This may seem self-explanatory, but make sure you have some salt and snow shovels on hand. Don't wait to slip and slide down the driveway after the first snowfall to head to the store and pick up the items you missed.

Furthermore, if you live on a large property with a steep or long driveway, consider hiring local plow companies to clear the path once the storm has passed. It can be a bit pricey, but try to negotiate and see if a third-party remedy is the best route for your winter storm planning.

9. Clean out your gutters

Image of home's gutters and downspout. Inspect and clean your gutters to prevent ice buildup during winter

Frozen water and debris can be extremely damaging around a house. A major item to be sure is on your Autumn checklist is cleaning out your gutters after the leaves have fallen from the trees. Frozen gutters can break, damaging the siding, roofing, and interior of a home through costly and messy leaks. Gutter services are regularly accessible and can assist in gutter repair and replacement. If you feel your gutters aren't going to cut it this winter, contact a specialist ASAP.

10. Prepare your car

Image of car parked in street. Don't forget to prepare your vehicles for winter usage

While not a part of your home, your car is usually your gateway to the world. With winter comes icy roads, strong winds, and troublesome snow to traverse. It is important to make sure your car is just as prepared as your home when winter hits. Make sure to schedule an oil change before the winter season. Also, stock your trunk with a first aid kit, an ice scraper, a shovel, a spare tire, and a flashlight. You might also consider adding bottled water and a few non-perishable items in the event you find yourself stuck in the snow.

11. Do an interior check of your house

With the outside prepared, let's head inside and make sure our bases are all covered. When winterizing your home, it can be pretty simple to make sure your house is up to snuff. Check all exterior doors and windows for any gaps that could allow cold winds to blow in.

This is also a perfect opportunity to go ahead and clean out extra items you might have lying around the house. While Spring may be the preferred season for a house-wide cleaning, getting ahead of the curve with your tidying up never hurts.

12. Make sure your windows are properly sealed

Inside and out, making sure your windows are properly sealed is vital. You want to avoid freezing rain leaking into the crevices of your home, damaging your siding, foundation, and interior drywall and framing. Consult a general contractor if you feel that any of your windows may not be able to make it through a harsh winter. You'll be glad you did.

13. Have your HVAC system checked

HVAC failure during the winter can be brutal. Just like your air conditioning breaking on that first smoldering, sunny summer day, a heating failure when the temperature drops can be a costly mistake. Prepare ahead of time. Set up regular bi-annual consultations with an HVAC professional in early Spring and Autumn to ensure your system is working as intended.

When the temperature takes a drastic dive, everyone who is unprepared is scrambling for service from HVAC companies. Beat the curve, and make sure your winter is smooth sailing.

14. Buy a backup power generator

Image of volt meter. A backup generator can come in handy durning a power outage

While this item may be a bit too costly for everyone, the perfect remedy for a winter storm blowing out your power for a few days is a backup generator. If you can afford the money and space to buy a generator, make sure it is properly set up, fueled, and you are ready to use it if disaster strikes. Generators come in all shapes and sizes, so it's important to buy only what you need. Don't overspend on a generator that can handle a property twice the size of yours.

15. Buy some flashlights

We mentioned this earlier, but to reiterate: make sure you have flashlights in your house, garage, and car. It is vital to see if your power goes out, and a flashlight can help you safely ride out the storm. Buy a four-pack online and have it delivered if you don't want to go to the store.

Get started now!

We hope our list will help you and your family prepare your home for winter. If you need help with a siding repair, EcoSide is here to make sure your siding is ready for any weather mother nature could throw at you. Don't get caught in the cold this winter; start moving today to prepare your home for the winter ahead!

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